Benicadell Moors

The “Filà Moros del Benicadell”, founded in 1979 by a small group of youngsters, is the oldest one in Beniarrés. Within the aims of our association are the realization of cultural as well as sports activities. However, one of the main objectives is to publicize our Patron Saint Festivities as well as keep our historic memory alive, which is an important part of us.
Currently, it has more than 75 members between men, women and children. The ages are comprised between new born children and 65 years old and all are unconditional participants of the activities that are carried out. In our association, there is no distinction between men and women and we all have the same rights as well as the same responsibilities.
From here, we would like to extend the most cordial invitation to all because they come to Beniarrés, and thus to be able to see the spectacularity of their Patron Saint Festivities and the hospitality of their people.
Cultural and Sports Association Moros del Benicadell de Beniarrés
C / Els Dolors, 37
03850, Beniarrés
For more information you can visit us at:
To contact us:
Notícies relacionades amb l’Associació.