Friends of Reyes Magos

The FRIENDS OF REYES MAGOS Association works very carefully in the preparation of the feast of the REYES MAGOS. This party consists of three parts: the first is the BANDO party, the first day of the year, in which all children are officially announced that on the 5th they will arrive their M.M. the three wise men. The second and third part are celebrated on the 5th of January, at dusk, with the organization of the cavalcade and the distribution by the people of the gifts of their M.M.
The Board of Directors of the Association consists of:
- PRESIDENT: Miguel Moncho Navarro.
- VICE PRESIDENT: Ginés Sellés Camps.
- SECRETARY: Evelyn Navarro Martínez.
- TREASURER: José A. Gilabert Domínguez.
- VOCAL 1ª: Eva Mª Calbo Jordá.
- VOCAL 2nd: Mª Carmen Navarro Nadal.
- VOCAL 3rd: Tere Jordá.
Registered Office, C / Els Dolors, 4.
Tel .: 654. 68.27.13; 965 51.50.59.
News related to the Association.